
When you visit our website, we collect data. On this page you can read which data we collect and what we do with it. If you do not want us to collect data, please disallow the acceptance of cookies in your browser.

All data we collect is shared only between de FilmHallen and The Movies. Exclusively anonymized data is shared with third parties for data analysis. No data is sold to other parties for the advertisement of their own products.

When you visit our website, we track which pages you visit, on which links you click and other activities you can do on a website. We do this to map out how our website is being used, so that we can improve it and identify problems.

We can add some of this data to personal data we have of you. We do this to get a better understanding of what your preferences are and we use this information for data analysis and marketing-purposes.

We also use several external services for website-analysis. These services store browsing-data in their own systems and analyse it. These services can often track your browsing-data back to any personal data they have of you. The ways in which these parties process data and what they do with it, changes regularly. We are happy to refer you to their own customer-portals if you want to have more information on this matter or if you want to request your personal information from them.

At the moment, the following parties collect browsing data on our website:

Do you want to know what data we have of you right now? You can request it here: or